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Turn to Bible

Guess the Verse, Grow in Grace.

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Our Games

Our Games

Test your Bible knowledge with this fun and challenging game! You'll be given random Bible verses, and your goal is to guess which book each verse comes from. Can you identify them all? Play now and see how well you know the scriptures!



This game randomly selects a book from the Bible, and players must quickly find and open the correct page in their Bible. It's a fun and interactive way to test and improve your Bible navigation skills.



This game randomly selects a verse from the Bible, and players must guess the exact verse number. It's a challenging way to test your detailed knowledge of the Bible.



This game randomly selects a verse from the Bible, and players must guess which chapter it belongs to. It's a challenging and engaging way to deepen your knowledge of the Bible.



This game randomly selects a verse from the Bible, and players must guess which book it belongs to. It's a fun and educational way to enhance your familiarity with the Bible.

'so is my word that goes out from my mouth:It will not return to me empty,but will accomplish what I desire andachieve the purpose for which I sent it. 'Isaiah 55:11
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